Before Hearing Aids
Prior to obtaining any amplification you need to have a recent comprehensive hearing evaluation. You
may be referred for a hearing test to a private clinic, like the Calgary Ear Centre, or to Audiology Services with Alberta Health Services. Even if you are not experiencing hearing concerns, it is good to obtain a baseline hearing test.
If hearing loss is identified in your hearing evaluation, then you may be a candidate for aid amplification. We are happy to consult patients regarding their hearing loss and whether or not they are a candidate for hearing aids and what to expect with amplification. When you are fit with hearing aids, you are entitled to a trial period with them. At the Calgary Ear Centre we offer a 60 day trial period. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
After Hearing Aids
Once you have completed a trial period with your new hearing aids, it is important to take good care of them. Keep hearing aids away form excessive heat and moisture. Hearing aids need to be kept clean and free of debris. You should book some time to see your hearing care provider at least once per year for your hearing aid(s) to be cleaned and checked. At home you can clean your hearing aids by using either a clean cloth, or non-alcoholic wipes. There may be changeable filters in your hearing aids or other specific cleaning instructions. Make sure your hearing care provider reviews how to clean and maintain your instruments!
1 - 506 71 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2V 4V4
Phone: 403 685 0810
Fax: 403 685 0812
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 3:00pm